About Digital
Green Nepal

Why DG Nepal
The organization is working with collaborating with multilevel stakeholders and experts in agriculture, forest, environment, tourism, water, energy, health, education
The main goals of DG Nepal are to improve the welfare of the Nepalese people by fostering environmental protection and sustainable agricultural development.
Strategic Objectives
Raising awareness about environmental issues and the impact of human activities on the natural environment for local communities, Indigenous Peoples, women, and marginalized and disadvantaged groups, among others.

Thematic Areas
DG Nepal has identified Nine thematic areas namely, Information Technology, Environment and Health, Forest, Agriculture, Tourism, Water and Energy, Education, Enterprise and Study, Research, and Counseling.

ICT Area

Environmental Health
We have conducted the following activities for environmental health by using green technologies like big data, Internet use…

The following are some crucial stages toward forestry conservation that may be easily carried….


Water and Energy


Digital Green Nepal Working Area
Message from
I am Upendra Raj Kuikel, Chairman of one non-governmental organization named Digital Green Nepal. This organization has been doing work in various fields, especially working in the Digital and Green Fields. Since the age of 21 years, I have been the Facilitator/coordinator of various programs and projects directing the NNDSWO-SEED Tree Programme, UNDP/Park people project, ANSAB-BDS MAPS, Winrock International-EIG, ECARDS-MSFEP, IDE Nepal-ICCRIO/ANUKULAN in various programs and projects for society and the country.

Agriculture is the most crucial sector in emerging countries, employing the vast majority of rural people...
We have conducted the following activities for environmental health by using green technologies...
The following are some crucial stages toward forestry conservation that may be easily carried....